Teaching Implementation Plan Gantt Chart by simen 17 2 月, 2023 written by simen 17 2 月, 2023 0 comment 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Teaching Implementation Plan Teamwork 團隊組織及運作 by simen 15 2 月, 2023 written by simen 一、Team organization and division of labor 職掌姓名職稱任教科目業務工作主持人呂翠鈴校長英語總召集人、統籌計畫與管理協同主持人林宜樺教務主任自然副召集人統籌規劃、管理進度流程、計畫推動之各項行政工作、課程指導規畫協同主持人 黃明貴註設兼資訊組長資訊數位深耕業務承辦人、網路學習平台管理、資訊技能支援與網路管理推動教師楊燕山教學組長自然課程排定及教學活動之控制、資訊教育特色教學模組研發及教學活動實施推動教師邱馨慧高年級級任國語/數學/綜合數位學習PBL教學模組研發及教學活動實施推動教師鄧佳琳高年級科任英語數位學習PBL教學模組研發及教學活動實施及課程國際化推動教師陳思穎高年級科任英語/綜合數位學習PBL教學模組研發及教學活動實施及課程國際化推動教師Daniel專任自然領域外籍教師英語/STEAM數位學習PBL教學模組研發及教學活動實施及課程國際化專家學者林奇賢輔導教授 國立臺南大學數位學習科技學系/PBL主題跨域課程輔導與諮詢專家學者黃意雯輔導教授 國立臺南大學數位學習科技學系/PBL主題跨域課程輔導與諮詢專家學者林秋斌輔導教授 國立清華大學人力資源與數位學習科技研究所/輔導與諮詢專家學者楊雅婷輔導教授 國立成功大學教育研究所/輔導與諮詢社區夥伴蕭泰華 安平區區長 安平區公所,提供諮詢及社區支援協助 二、學校與產官學研合作 15 2 月, 2023 0 comment 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Teaching Implementation Plan Course Implementation by simen 15 2 月, 2023 written by simen The school breaks down the barriers between subjects with a thematic cross-disciplinary modular curriculum. The four modules follow the five systematic steps of Design Thinking: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. Through this design process, students are encouraged to think about environmental issues they face every day and design solutions. The curriculum echoes the spirit of initiative, interaction, and mutual benefit in the 108 curriculum guidelines. Cross-disciplinary PBL courses guide students to actively think about problems, cultivate their technological literacy and implement international education programs through self-learning, cooperative learning, and teacher-guided learning in small groups. 15 2 月, 2023 0 comment 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Teaching Implementation Plan Course Objectives by simen 15 2 月, 2023 written by simen 1.Understand the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals SDG.11 and SDG.12, explore local environmental issues, and propose feasible solutions. 2.Use the design thinking process to conduct interdisciplinary project-based learning (PBL) to cultivate students’ key abilities such as independent thinking, teamwork, and problem-solving. 3.Use a team collaboration to complete an international group project and also emerging information and communication technologies to respond to new sustainable living issues. Simen Fifth International Collaborated PBL Curriculum from 2018 to 2022. Core Value: Interdisciplinary themes, technological competence, and social care. Aligned with the four principles of competency-based teaching in the new 12-year national education curriculum. Integrating interdisciplinary subjects and cultivating international core competencies, the curriculum plan aims to equip students with key abilities to solve real-world problems. Both teachers and students have the skills to process information and the English language. 15 2 月, 2023 0 comment 1 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Teaching Implementation Plan Course Topic by simen 14 2 月, 2023 written by simen In Pursuit of Infinity New Life, Move the World Forward Since the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century, humanity has been pursuing rapid economic growth and a better living condition, leading to the continuous depletion and even abuse of Earth’s resources. Highly developed industries require the burning of large amounts of fossil fuels, such as oil and coal, which causes a rapid increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, leading to higher levels of greenhouse gases, the main cause of global warming and climate change. Due to issues such as climate change, economic growth, social equality, and income inequality that affect the future safety and survival of the Earth, the United Nations formally released the “2030 Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) in 2015. The SDGs include 17 core goals, covering 169 sub-goals and 230 indicators, guiding global efforts towards sustainability. Simen Elementary School is located in the Anping coastal area, impacted heavily by climate change and rising sea levels. In response to the call and trend of global sustainable development, in addition to addressing climate change, we hope to lead students to think more deeply about the definition and role of sustainable new lifestyles. Continuing and expanding the “Smart Floating Island” curriculum of the past four years, Simen Elementary School will focus this year’s deep cultivation curriculum on the sea transportation framework between floating islands, with the school’s developed OP sailboat curriculum guiding students to think about how to build zero (low) carbon emission and pollution-free green transportation that can travel between islands. Guided by the design thinking model and echoing SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities and SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production, students will move towards an infinitely sustainable new life. Considering that the information application abilities of different countries vary, the international education curriculum design mainly presents the implementation results of each school through basic information abilities such as presentations and videos and does not require schools to integrate technology deeply. Instead, it focuses on international exchanges, with information application abilities as a supplement. However, the content of our school’s curriculum focuses on both international exchanges and technological implementation as demonstrations. For example, our school uses the theme of “Smart Floating Island” to lead students to design green transportation tools between floating islands to solve the problem of sea and land transportation. In the process, the maker concept is used to guide students to understand the SDGs of sustainable cities through Minecraft Education Edition and to use Makecode computational thinking to create their smart floating islands. In the middle of the process, Onshape 3D modeling, LEGO Spike Prime APP, and Arduino Blockly block programming are used to design models that demonstrate the environmental protection concept of intelligent green transportation. Given that the environmental issues faced by schools at home and abroad are not the same, the curriculum theme starts with the more universal issue of “environmental sustainability,” and participating teams use the design thinking process of empathy → definition → ideation → prototype → testing. 14 2 月, 2023 0 comment 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail