Project Goals

    The aforementioned term “international exchange/interaction” deals with the incorporation of elements regarding global competence cultivation into topical interdisciplinary courses design in order to develop bilingual interdisciplinary international education programs. To cultivate students’ global competence, courses and activities need to be carried out in a globalized learning environment with the participation of international partner schools. Therefore, while designing courses, the topic selection surrounds UN Sustainable Development Goals that grab global attention. The courses are then digitalized and optimized, and with the participation of international partner schools, a high-quality international/global learning environment is created.

    To cultivate primary and secondary school students’ global competence through in-depth international interactions, this project includes five aspects, which are “developing bilingual interdisciplinary international education programs that incorporate technology applications,” “managing international learning communities and building a bridge for international exchange and cooperation,” “carrying out bilingual interdisciplinary international education programs that incorporate technology applications,” “coordinating with Subproject 3 to conduct course quality and learning effectiveness assessments,” and “guiding school programs to adopt internationalization indicators and improving international visibility.”